Halfway Through the First Week of School Update!

 Quick Reminder

Good evening, parents! We are halfway through the first week of school! How exciting! I am sending out a quick blurb to remind parents about sending a snack for the kiddos in their lunchboxes. We had a few instances in which some of the students didn't have a snack for snack time. Thanks!

"All About Me" Bag Activity For Friday

In order to conclude our first week of school, I would love for the students to get a bag or box (paper lunch bag, shoe box, etc.) and put three items in there that describes them. The idea is that they will be sharing their bag / box with the class on Friday. It is not necessary to decorate the box like the one below. However, if your student feels inclined to do so, I just might have some Class Dojo points to reward them with...

First Week of School Photos!


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