Week of August 23 to 26

Thank you for a good start to the school year! It's been amazing getting to know your child and to really discover who they are. God took His time creating some awesome kiddos! 

At the end of each week, I will be updating the blog with recaps of what we did through-out the week, reminders, and office announcements. 


There will be no homework for the week of August 29 to September 1.

What We Learned This Week

We learned classroom procedures this week. A classroom fit for learning runs smoothly due to engrained procedures. We will continue to work on procedures and routines next week too. We also did a few activities that allowed us to work on our collaboration skills. We as Christians are called to live in shalom with our neighbor; we too must live well and work well with our classmates in the classroom. In order to get hands on practice with collaboration, the students worked in groups to create a tower with pasta and marshmallows. They had to use their communication skills to work together to design and construct the tallest tower they could. Congratulations to Harper and Mila for building a tower that stood 17 inches tall! We also had a time to share with the class some items that perfectly described them. It was so much fun to see what the kids are interested in outside of school. I'm impressed! 

From the Office


Walk-A-Thon envelopes will be coming home in your children's backpacks soon. Walk-A-Thon is our only elementary fundraiser for the school year. We are able to fund our Rose Park Ranch initiative as well as a variety of programming throughout the year for our children thanks to the funds raised through this event! 


Fall is just around the corner and that means it's time for our Kids' Stuff Resale! Our fall resale is Saturday, September 17 from 9 am to Noon at Holland Christian High School. Join us for shopping or selling for all fall/winter kids clothing and toys. If you are interested in selling at the resale or for more info, please contact Michelle Schaap at kidsale@hollandchristian.org or call 616.820.2813. The entry fee is $1 for adults and a portion of the proceeds go directly to the Tuition Grant Fund.


You are invited to our all-school skating party! This event is offered to Rose Park families only and cost-free for you thanks to our wonderful parent board! Mark your calendar for October 11, 6:00-8:00 and find your disco gear! 


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