Week of September 19 to 23

 What We Learned This Week

Bible: This week, we started talking about Israel's judges. We learned about Ehud, the left-handed judge, in addition to some very important women such as Deborah and Jael. We will be studying Samson in the upcoming lessons. 

Math: We have been using estimates in order to check the reasonableness of a math problem's answer. We also have been learning how to check our work by performing addition and subtraction problems. It pays to do that extra step to double-check our math problems! 

Reading: This week, we have been talking about how we can become better readers such as reading with good fluency and feeling. We also talked about how good readers can envision themselves amongst the characters in addition to envisioning the story as if it were a movie playing in their minds. Encourage the students to create strong reading habits at home as they complete their reading log homework this week. 

Writing: We are starting to get our creative juices flowing as we think of good ideas for our upcoming realistic fiction pieces. The students should be starting to think of an idea they'd like to settle on.

Science: We dissected flowers this week during science class! It was SO cool! 

Grammar: This week, we reviewed and talked about the Spanish imperfect tense. As we came across any Spanish imperfect verbs through-out the week, we made sure to point it out! We also talked about how the letters /b/ and /v/ make the same sound in Spanish and how it can sometimes be confusing to know which letter to use! The students created their own tongue-twisters with some words containing the /b/ and /v/ letters. 

Important Reminders / Dates for This Week

  • The Walk-A-Thon is scheduled for Wednesday, September 28 in the afternoon. I hope everyone has a great pair of walking shoes at the ready!
  • The students have been working hard to prepare for the Hispanic Heritage event happening in the morning of Thursday, September 29. Take a look at some of the photos below to see how they have been preparing! Please take note that this event is designed just for students and teachers.
  • On Friday, September 30, the 4th graders will be going on a field trip to the Outdoor Discovery Center. If there is a parent who would like to chaperone, please email me. We would be leaving school at about 12:00 and would return at 12:30. I can take up to 3 chaperones. 

Photos from the Week


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