Week of October 10 to 14

 What We Learned this Week

Math: This week, we reviewed arrays and how to write a multiplication equation using an array. We also reviewed how to solve one and two digit multiplication by using mental math multiplication. Students are encouraged to start working on their multiplication facts at home.

Reading: This week, the students learned the importance of talking to others about what they are reading and having an open mind while listening to the thoughts and ideas of others.

Writing: The students have started to draft their realistic fiction stories on their iPads. They are incredibly excited to be writing their stories. We will continue the drafting process next week. 

Science: We have started a new theme in science. The following question will be studied: "How do your senses and brain interact to determine behavior / perceptions?" The students conducted a flashlight and index card experiment to gain a better understand of how light travels. Ask them about it! They will be more than happy to tell you what they did and what their conclusions are. We also got the chance to go into a dark room to decide if we could see a red apple. Ask them about this too! Can we see a red apple (or any object) when we are in a completely pitch black room?

Grammar: This week, we reviewed certain Spanish phrases that are used when the imperfect tense is used. We also reviewed Spanish words containing the normal "r" and the "strong r." 

Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Monday, October 17 from 4 PM to 8 PM and on Wednesday, October 19 from 12 PM to 4 PM.

Couple of Reminders

  • Wednesday, October 17 is a half day. There is no school on Thursday and Friday, October 20 and 21.
  • I will not be assigning any homework next week.

Lots of Fun Events this Week!

We had lots of fun at a handful of events this week! We dressed up and attended a hoedown dance for Down Syndrome awareness. The students learned a dance and got to share lots of smiles and laughs together. 

Our Friday was packed with fun activities too. We enjoyed our snacks during the reading celebration. Thank you to Amy Deur for making those delicious chocolate chip cookies. They were a hit! Thank you to Dinah Pereira for sending a salty snack to compliment the cookies. Our outing to Wendt Park was a smashing success! We braved the crisp fall day and walked there. We developed a huge appetite after our walk and fellowshipped together while we ate our lunch. The kids had a fun time playing together after lunch. After our playtime, we gathered into the woods and had a time of worship. It was a such a blessing to be outside in nature worshipping God. 

From the Office & Teachers

MUSIC NOTE FROM MRS. BOER - We have begun learning how to play recorders! This past week we talked about how little a breath we need to play a recorder to make a pleasant sound. Parent's and dog's ears should not be hurting when we play! We also learned about playing with our left hand on top, nearest our mouth. Perhaps your child has told you about the folders they received in music class. These are to go back and forth between home and school along with your child's recorder on the day of music class. A homework sheet was sent home to be completed by your child and a few lines of music that they can begin to practice.

Please join the Mac and Cheese Club for a 5K and/or (1 Mile) Family Walkathon fundraising event on Saturday, October 22nd at Helder Park in Zeeland, benefiting Community Action House and Gateway Mission. Please bring a box (or more ;-) to donate at the race check-in table, starting at 9:45am. See all race details, including registration at https://runsignup.com/Race/MI/Holland/MacCheese5KWalkathon - thank you and God Bless! -Charlie Duistermars, Morgan Lampen, Gibson Isanhart, Mason Arnoldink and Sam Greene.


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