Week of December 5 to 9

What We Learned this Week

Bible: This week, we talked about Saul's foolish oath. This sets the stage for God to choose a new king of Israel- one that is "...after His own heart."

Math: We are now in chapter 3 which has to do with division. We reviewed how to do basic division with two digit numbers and no remainder. We also learned how to divide large numbers ending in zero with and without remainders. The students saw how multiplication can be used in order to check a division problem- multiplication and division are certainly related. Students should still practice multiplication facts and are encouraged to start to review and practice their basic division facts. I will not be assigning math homework for the week of December 12 to 16.

Reading: We talked about slowing down when reading non-fiction texts and pausing to think about the main idea of sections in order to better understand the theme of the text as a whole. I will not be assigning reading homework for the week of December 12 to 16.

Writing: The students have been organizing their persuasive claims along with their reasons into graphic organizers. Starting next week, they will be conducting research to identify evidence to support their reasoning.

Social Studies: The students worked with their map reading skills by looking at a map of the southern rim of the Grand Canyon and making inferences. They deduced that areas with impressive physical characteristics such as the Grand Canyon is likely to be connected to human-made characteristics in order to encourage growth- economic and urban. 

Class Christmas Party

Our class Christmas party is scheduled for Wednesday, December 14 from 12:15 until about 1:30. Thank you so much to the parent volunteers! It's going to be a great time of fun and fellowship for the students.

From the Spanish Department

The Christmas concert is coming up! Tuesday, December 13 @ 6:30pm. 

Please do not have your child arrive prior to 6:10pm, as we will still be getting things ready for the night. At 6:10pm we will greet kids at Door D, this is NOT the same door as last year. The door is off the back of the high school and you should park in the parking lot off 40th street "behind" the high school. They will gather in one of the rooms to the left once inside the high school. Once you drop off your kiddo, feel free to find a seat in the auditorium. They should arrive in their Christmas Sunday best. Please no headgear (silly hats, antlers, etc...) unless it is a hair bow or ribbon. PRESCHOOLERS: Will be dismissed to meet you on the left or right side of the auditorium once their part is over. Please make sure you take your child's coat with you into the auditorium, as they will not necessarily return to that room afterward. There will be baskets of candy canes after the concert at the exit, please feel free to grab one per child, even siblings as you leave for the evening. 

The orchestra students did such a great job at their concert on Monday night. It sounded great!


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