Week of February 21 to 24

Happy unexpected SHORT week! I hope everyone enjoyed this time off and stayed warm while enduring the icy weather outside. This should be a short blog since we only had a few days of learning this week! 

What We Learned this Week:

Bible: This week, we talked about God's covenant with David. I think it would be beautiful if the family read and pondered over Psalm 24. It is a psalm that praises God and thanks Him for all that He has done. God's will is good and perfect.

Math: We are diving deep into math word problems. The students are learning how to draw comparison bar models in order to help them visualize what kind of problem they must set up in order to solve. 

Reading: In reading class, we are learning how to pay attention to the lives of the characters we are reading about in order to formulate a life lesson to be learned. We can do this in our very own lives too.

Writing: This week, we started to slowly and carefully plan out our chapters for our informational narrative essays. It's important to take the time to really think about what we want to cover in our paragraphs. 

Social Studies: We have finished up our study on the different types of movement that American history has seen. Now, we are studying immigration- specifically immigration to Michigan. I sent home a chart asking the students to talk with the family to document the family's immigration story. I would like to have that paper by Tuedsay, Feburary 28. 

Planting Seeds:

We have planted seeds in our raised bed- lettuce, radishes, green beans, and flowers. If all goes well, we will have a crop before school lets out for summer vacation. I would love to do a salad prep demonstration with the produce. We are hoping it all goes well, but we will have a positive attitude if things don't turn out the way we want them too. 

From the Spanish Immersion Department:

If you are interested in having your child attend Spanish Immersion camp this summer, please click here to view more information. 

Fish Tank:

We have two more additions to the fish tank! A pink female beta fish and a blue snail now call our tank home. We are calling this pink beta "Rosa Nieves" which is a play off of "Blanca Nieves" (Snow White), and the 7 guppies are named after the 7 dwarves. We are calling the snail "Rocky Balboa" since he looks like a rock. I hope the kiddos enjoy taking care of the fish. 


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