Week of February 12 to 15
Carpool: In an effort to be smooth and efficient in the carpool line, please take a look at these expectations: First, at morning drop off please pull as far forward as possible, and coach your children on exiting the car quickly, this allows us to get all students into the building and to their classrooms as soon as possible. If we can avoid adults getting out of the car this allows the line to move quickly, and we can get our school day started right at 8:15. Additionally, after school - please make sure to give the three carpool lanes the right of way. As soon as we release the carpool lanes we need to those to continue moving. Once the first round is over, you may then exit the parking area. Additionally please do not use the bus loop as that is legally only for bus use!
If your child is interested in a season of Little League, please find the necessary info here!
TTQ: It’s almost springtime and your boys might LOVE training and running together with the support of a coach team! OR! Would you be interested in joining the coach team? First hand, it’s a BLAST if you’re curious and available to join the fun!
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