Week of February 12 to 15

What We Learned this Week:

Bible: In Bible class, we studied David's series of multiple sins against God when he committed adultery with Bathsheba and sent Uriah to his death. Next week, we will study the prophet Nathan's rebuke against King David.

Math: This week, the students worked on solving equations. They also calculated the value of the letter within an expression and solving an expression given the value of a letter. We concluded the week by using the equal sign (=) and the not equal to sign (≠) given two equations. They even wrote their own equations using the equal and not equal signs.

Reading: The students learned about strategies for uncovering the meaning of challenging / new vocabulary words. They will be able to use these strategies every day in class as we uncover new Spanish words. The students ended the week by using that new vocabulary to teach others about the non-fiction books they are reading and what they have learned.

Writing: The students brainstormed ideas for their personal expertise essays. We concluded the week by writing "flash drafts." I asked the students to pick a topic they are interested in and already know lots about. They wrote for 10 minutes about their selected topics and then shared their writing with a parter. The students will be solidifying their topic next week and will start working on the elements of their personal expertise essays.

Social Studies: We are studying different types of movement within the United States of America. This week, we started to look at pioneer westward movement. We read the book "Dandelions" about a family who moved to the Nebraska Territory in the 1800s. Afterwards, we held a really good book discussion.

From the Office:

  • Carpool: In an effort to be smooth and efficient in the carpool line, please take a look at these expectations: First, at morning drop off please pull as far forward as possible, and coach your children on exiting the car quickly, this allows us to get all students into the building and to their classrooms as soon as possible. If we can avoid adults getting out of the car this allows the line to move quickly, and we can get our school day started right at 8:15.  Additionally, after school -  please make sure to give the three carpool lanes the right of way. As soon as we release the carpool lanes we need to those to continue moving. Once the first round is over, you may then exit the parking area. Additionally please do not use the bus loop as that is legally only for bus use!

  • If your child is interested in a season of Little League, please find the necessary info here

  • TTQ: It’s almost springtime and your boys might LOVE training and running together with the support of a coach team! OR! Would you be interested in joining the coach team? First hand, it’s a BLAST if you’re curious and available to join the fun! 


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