Week of April 22 to 26

What We Learned this Week:

Bible: We have started the Elijah unit. We have kicked off this week by studying how God provided for Elijah while he was on the run from King Ahab. 

Math: The students took the unit 5 test this week. We will be starting the fractions unit next week!

Reading: We have started to read the book "Number the Stars." This is the book we are reading together as a class for the historical fiction unit. The students look forward to starting to read their own historical fiction chapter books with their groups. 

Writing: We are finished with the personal expertise essays. We will start our brand-new unit on literary essays next week.

Grammar: This week, we studied the silent "h" that can sometimes be found in front of a Spanish word. We also reviewed the Spanish past tense participles and how they can be used as an adjective to describe nouns. 

Plant Sale Update: We have about 62 pepper seeds that have germinated. We are excited to see them become strong, little plants. However, we would like a bit more pepper plants. Therefore, we will be planting a few more on Monday. 

April 29 to May 3 Spelling List

I will be sending home a progress report for the month of April on Wednesday, May 1. Please return these to me signed by Monday, May 6. Thanks!

From the Spanish Immersion Team:

SI Summer Camp

Have you signed up your child(ren) for our SI summer camp yet? If not, there's still time! The camp will run June 24-28 from 9:00-12:00 every day. Here is the link to sign up, and you may drop your check off in the office. It's going to be great!

From the Office:

TULIP TIME INFORMATION 1st - 4th grade: Tulip time permissions slips should be returned to your teacher by Wednesday, May 1. Please fill out and return the neon page that was sent home to you!  Additionally, you may view a copy of the information here.


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