Week of May 20 to 24

What We Learned this Week:

Bible: We have been studying the story of King Ahab's death and how it fulfilled Elijah's and Micaiah's prophecy.

Math: The students reviewed all we have learned in this chapter and took their unit practice test. They will be taking the actual test when we come back from the long weekend.

Reading: We are making wonderful progress in "Number the Stars" and the other historical fiction chapter books the students are reading with their groups. We will make further progress next week.

Writing: This week, the students are writing their rough drafts for their faith writing pieces. 

No Homework!

I will not be assigning homework next week. Yay! 

Plant Sale Update: 

Thank you to all who came to purchase plants and visit our wonderful student "workers." What a blast. We made about $550! The 4th graders will be tithing 10% of this amount to the Lopez family as they prepare for their move to Guatemala this summer. We pray over this family and we pray that this financial gift may bless them in whatever they may need. As for the rest of the money. The 4th graders are brainstorming ideas together, and each class will write a letter to Mrs. Rynsburger with suggested ideas. We will see where this takes us!

From the Office:

Guinea Pig Home - WANTED - A summer home for 3 guinea pigs. They currently live in Mrs. VanderZwaag's 4th grade classroom, but will be very lonely during the summer months. If you'd consider taking them to your house for the summer, please contact Mrs. VanderZwaag.  Email her at kvanderzwaag@hollandchristian.org.  Thank you!

Rosie & Parker are at the Critter Barn - Our dear goats Rosie and Parker will be spending their summer at the Critter Barn. If you want to visit them and show them some love this summer, we would love for your family to pay them a visit!


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