Week of May 28 to 31

What We Learned this Week:

Bible: The students took their very last Bible test in 4th grade. We have officially finished up with the Elijah unit and have thus finished our Bible class.

Math: The students took the Unit 7 Adding and Subtracting Fractions test. We are all done with math class! Wow! 

Reading: We are SO engrossed in "Number the Stars." We plan on doing what it takes to finish this amazing book next week.

Writing: The students are finishing up their faith writing pieces this week.

Grand Rapids Public Museum Field Trip:

Our very last field trip for 4th grade is scheduled for Monday, June 3. We will be visiting the Grand Rapids Public Museum. 

The bus is scheduled to leave school at 8:15 AM. Please make sure that your child is at school ON TIME that day. 

Additionally, please pack a disposable (and labeled!) lunch with your child. 

Looking forward to it!

From the Office:

  1. Rosie & Parker at Critter Barn - Our dear goats Rosie and Parker will be spending their summer at the Critter Barn. If you want to visit them and show them some love this summer we would love for your family to pay them a visit!

  2. Guinea Pig Home - WANTED - A summer home for 3 guinea pigs.  They currently live in Mrs. VanderZwaag's 4th grade classroom, but will be very lonely during the summer months.   If you'd consider taking them to your house for part of the summer, please contact Mrs. VanderZwaag.  Email her at kvanderzwaag@hollandchristian.org.  You are welcome to split the time with another family as well.  Thank you!


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