Welcome! // Bienvenidos!
Wow! The ice cream social was such a hit! What an incredible time we had mingling and meeting each other. I am praying over our students, their families, our classroom, and our school as we embark together on this brand-new school year.
Welcome to our classroom blog. I will be sending out the blog to your emails every Friday (most likely in the afternoon / early evening). You will find important information regarding our class- what we are studying, highlights, photos, etc.
Just a few notes!
1. If you have not done so already, please fill scan the QR code to record your child's T-shirt size for Walk-a-Thon.
2. If your child does NOT have a baton, please inform the Office. They will order one for your child. I will keep the batons in the classroom. Have your child bring theirs to school if they haven't done so already!
3. If your child has extra school materials such as packs of glue sticks, packs of pencils, etc. We have two options of what to do with them. They can be kept in my classroom in a LABELED Ziploc. OR They can be kept at home, and the student can take what they need and bring it to school.
4. The first day of school is on Tuesday, August 20! It's a full day! The students will have PE class right away at 8:20.
5. Parent Night is Thursday, August 22 at 6:30 PM. We will go important points in the handbook and it will be a time for you to ask any questions that you might have.
6. I have put together the parent chaperone sign-up for our upcoming field trips. It's linked at the top of the blog, and I am also including the link here.
Phew! I think that's it for now. I know it's information overload, but we got this! Please email me with any questions, and I will respond to you within school hours.
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