Week of September 9 to 13

What We Learned this Week:

Bible: We have started our study on the judges of Israel. This week, we focused on the left-handed prophet Ehud and the prophetess Deborah. We learned about how God used another woman, Jael, to secure Israel's victory over the Canaanites. We are currently studying the flawed prophet Samson.
Math: This week, we reviewed adding large numbers and using estimation to check for the reasonableness of calculations. 

Reading: We have started our first reading unit which is all about the importance of forming strong reading habits and how we can form them. 

Writing: We started our realistic fiction unit. We kicked off our learning by reading a realistic fiction story and identifying the characteristics of realistic fiction. Next week, the students will be talking about and selecting a "heart message" or "key message" they want their own realistic fiction stories to have. 

Grammar: This week, we reviewed what the Spanish imperfect tense is and when it is utilized in the Spanish language. We also studied the /v/ and /b/ sounds in Spanish. They are pronounced exactly the same which can lead to typical spelling errors. We looked at those common spelling errors.
Science: We finished our experiment to see how exercise affects heart rate. Our predictions were right! Exercise definitely increased heart rate. Ask them about it! Maybe they will demonstrate it for you! We concluded the week by talking about how animals have external and internal features that allow them to grow and survive. The students are currently working on a small poster that showcases a wild animal of their choosing and how its features allow it to grow and survive. 

Spelling: Here is next week's spelling list.

Field Trip with Ottawa County Parks:

On Tuesday, October 1, the 4th graders will be will taking a field trip to the Coast Guard Park with the two other 4th grade sections. We will be doing some hiking and trail walking in addition to learning about Michigan's sand dunes! The students need to pack a sack lunch with them that day. We will be eating our lunches at North Beach Park.

Check out the parent letter from Ottawa County Parks here. There are some important instructions there. A physical copy will be sent home with your child on Monday.

If you are interested in chaperoning this field trip, sign up here.

From the Office:

  1. Homecoming!! To celebrate Holland Christian Homecoming we will have Maroon & White Day on Friday September 13th! 

  2. Save the date: Rose Park Fall Fest will be happening on Thursday, September 26th. 5:30-7pm, you can sign your family up HERE.

  3. Help Wanted: Rose Park is seeking a nurturing and caring part-time aide for our After School Care program. Our after school program runs from 3-5:30 Monday - Friday and we would love to have you join our team. 18+ years of age. Interested applicants should apply here for this position. If you have questions, feel free to reach out to Laura Rotman at lrotman@hollandchristian.org. 

  4. Gently used items for the office: It is nice to have a few items in the office if students ever end up dirty on the ranch, or accidentally were not prepared for the elements. We could use:  Adult S & M shorts, Adult S & M sweatpants, Youth shoes sizes 11, 12, or 1, Adult S & M sweatshirts/jackets/winter coat. Please drop off in the Rose Park Office.

  5. Grandparents Day Cookies! - If you would like to help out and provide some cookies for our amazing grandparents and grand friends. Please review the available slots and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!

  6. Grandparents Day Invitation! We’re ready to roll out the red carpet for some of our most treasured guests of the year! Grandparents/friends are invited to join us in our learning spaces and participate in worship with us. Please pass along the following invitation to your family’s special people: 



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