Week of September 30 to October 4
What We Have Learned this Week:
Math: This week, we have been introduced to multiplication. We have started off by studying mental multiplication. It's important that the students really know their basic multiplication facts, for it will help them to be successful this year in math class.
Reading: This week, we talked about how one good strategy of reading books is to imagine the events of the story in your mind just like a movie. We practiced doing that this week.
Grammar: We reviewed the only three Spanish irregular imperfect verbs- ir, ser, and ver. We also studied the similar Spanish sounds /ll/ and /y/.
Science: We are finished with our first science unit! The students developed and conducted improvement plans for reaction time when catching falling rulers. We also put our senses into practice by doing a blind taste test! It was so much fun.
Spelling: Here is next week's spelling list.
Honduras Hispanic Heritage Month 4th Grade Activity:
¡Hola! I had the amazing opportunity to organize and lead an activity with all the 4th grade students regarding Hispanic Heritage Month. The students worked in groups to research the country of Honduras and create a poster showcasing their research. We also watched a fun baleada food demonstration. We even got to eat baleadas! ¡Qué rico! Baleadas are typical Honduran street food consisting of a flour tortilla, refried beans, queso cotija, and a special white cream sauce called mantequilla.
I challenged your student to create their own ultimate baleada! Baleadas are wonderful because you can put what YOU want on it and eat them for breakfast, lunch, or dinner! Avocado! Chicken! Scrambled eggs! Whatever sounds delicious to you. You cannot make a mistake when it comes to baleadas. If you do make these ultimate baleadas, I would love to see the pictures and use them in an upcoming picture slideshow.
Please put the photos into this Google Drive Folder here OR email them to me at <hdamsteegt@hollandchristian.org>. The deadline to do so is October 8. ¡Gracias! ¡Buen provecho!
From Think! Energy:
Please install the items you need and give things you cannot use to a friend or family member.
Help us earn funds for classroom supplies by doing a short survey called the Home Energy Worksheet (HEW) used to improve the program. Please complete the HEW by October 11 by returning the paper to me or completing it online at https://thinkenergy.org/semco/
hew with my ID number: 295261. There is a space on the HEW to provide your email address for a 10-15 minute survey by the program's evaluator. This information is optional. If you fill it out, you will be will be entered into a drawing to win a $50 Amazon gift card! There will be one winner per registered teacher. The winning family will be notified via the adult email address provided on the HEW at the end of the semester.
No kit? If you opted out of taking a kit, you can still benefit from the program. Do the energy audit from the program website at https://thinkenergy.org/semco/
Take the next step:
There are many resources on the program website at https://thinkenergy.org/semco. This includes installation videos and links to other ways to save energy and money with SEMCO ENERGY Gas Company.
Please let me know if there is anything you need.
Katelyn Desplinter
Think! Energy program facilitator
National Energy Foundation, an authorized contractor of SEMCO ENERGY Gas Company
From the Office:
School picture retakes will be happening on October 21, if your child is interested.
Holland Christian Schools will be facilitating an event called Parent University: a conversation around Jonathan Haidt's Book: The Anxious Generation
Aim: How, collectively, parents can make choices to counter the smartphone culture and guard their hearts.
Focus: We will discuss the harmful effects technology has on our children. We will dive into data that demonstrates the psychological damage that can occur to a child immersed in a phone-based childhood. Join us in these conversations and walk away with a clear call-to-action that will make a difference not only in your child's life but their time here at Holland Christian Schools. Please RSVP at this link or the QR Code provided:
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